Social Media & Body Image

Note: This is an article that I wrote for a public health course in my masters program and therefore the writing is a bit more academic than my usual posts, but I thought it made for an interesting and thought provoking read so I hope you enjoy! Social Media &…

New Year, Forever Growing Me

The frenzy of new year's resolutions Happy new year friends! Happy new decade!!! I really love starting a new year. The excitement. The potential. But sometimes we get a bit obsessed with the thought of new beginnings and new year's resolutions. "New year, new me" and all that. Sometimes we…

Halloween Yoga Playlist

Happy Halloween boys and ghouls! For someone that really freaking hates being scared, jumps at the tiniest little noise and never ever (ever!) watches scary movies it may come as a surprise that I actually really like Halloween. I suppose dressing up all scary is a lot more fun than…

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