Halloween Yoga Playlist

Happy Halloween boys and ghouls! For someone that really freaking hates being scared, jumps at the tiniest little noise and never ever (ever!) watches scary movies it may come as a surprise that I actually really like Halloween. I suppose dressing up all scary is a lot more fun than getting scared! So in the spirit of this spooky holiday I give you a very special Halloween Yoga Playlist!

Perhaps not the most classic yoga playlist out there but that really isn’t the point. We’re going for a bit of spook and as a result having to let go of a touch of the zen. So let’s blast this Halloween Yoga Playlist, get our spook on and have some fun with it! Throw in a few downward facing werewolves, Frankenstein your forward folds and mummy walk it across the mat. Maybe throw in a couple of these spooky poses recommended by Yoga Journal. Just let yourself be a scary little yoga monster for the next 60 minutes. First and foremost, have fun with it!


Fancy dress is of course highly encouraged. But I suppose your staple black leggings would do 😉

If a classic yoga playlist is more your style then why not check out the Slow Burn Vinyasa Playlist or the Slow Flow.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think!

Until next time! Sx

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