75 minute Vinyasa Yoga Playlist

Happy Monday friends! It’s the first Monday of the month which of course means new yoga tunes – YAY!!! This time it’s another Vinyasa yoga playlist – my favourite kind 🙂

This is the playlist I’ve been flowing to, teaching to, living by for the past month and I absolutely love it. It’s got my signature slow start and slow end, because of course you need to both warm up and wind down, with some more upbeat tunes in between the two where you can really fire things up. It’s got Vancouver Sleep Clinic on there more than once – because feels. Of course I also have to rep Iceland on there with Samari’s Góða Tungl (which has featured on quite a few of my playlists lately). Aisha Badru’s beautiful airy vocals also features on there more than once. I’m also pretty sure I will never tire of Menke’s Moln – so beautiful.

All in all it’s pure playlist magic.

So what are you waiting for?

Roll out your mat and give it a flow!

Let me know if you like it, and of course please do share the love 🙂

If you like this vinyasa yoga playlist, you should also check out my 60 minute vinyasa playlist and the 75 minute slow burn playlist – they’re pretty great, if I do say so myself.

Remember to sign up to my newsletter to stay up to date with not only playlists but also events, workshops and tutorials. Please do also come say hi over on IG 🙂

Until next time! Sx

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