My very first blog post here on SajaRut Yoga. Welcome!
I really wasn’t sure what to write about as my first post. I felt, for some reason, that it needed to be about something significant. Even though I had plenty of ideas about topics that I wanted to write about (and will, stay tuned) none of them felt right as my first post. So eventually I figured that it would be quite fitting to tell you a little bit about my yoga journey…
I didn’t really find yoga until early 2015. Sure I had taken the occasional class at the gym but not much more than that. For years I was focused on dancing but after starting university I wasn’t dancing much anymore. Throughout university I mostly just went to the gym or out for a run. It wasn’t until I was a broke graduate doing an internship in Prague that I truly found yoga. I couldn’t afford a gym membership anymore so all I did was running and I could seriously feel my body stiffening up from it.
Enter yoga
Not wanting to lose all my previous dancing flexibility I started looking up some stretching routines online. That’s when I stumbled upon Yoga with Adriene’s 30 day Yoga Challenge on YouTube (check out her channel, she’s lovely!). Remembering that I had always quite enjoyed those yoga classes at the gym I figured why not. So I dove in and did the whole 30 days. And I absolutely loved it!
That was it. I was hooked.
I was now practicing regularly. I started finding and following lots of inspiring yogi’s on Instagram. Seriously, the Instagram yoga community is absolutely amazing and so motivating. Seeing all these incredible yogi’s going into all kinds of balances and deep bends pushed me to deepen my own practice. I bought Jessica Olie’s #LetsStartYoga ebooks (check them out here) to help me practice more advanced poses. All of a sudden I was doing headstands and crows and deep backbends.

I started participating in loads of Instagram yoga challenges, which if you’re not familiar is usually practicing and taking pictures of yourself doing certain poses. Thirsty for more learning I bought and read more yoga books and eventually took the plunge and registered myself for a 200 hour teacher training course with YogaLondon.
Becoming a teacher
I could probably write a whole separate post about my teacher training experience (and maybe even will someday). In a word it was transformative. Definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made. As I learned more about the incredible breadth of yoga my love for it only deepened and so did my wish to share it with the world. I’ll be sharing lots of things here and I’ve got some big plans for the future so make sure you sign up to my newsletter so that you don’t miss a thing!
Until next time!
Sæunn x