75 minute Slow Burn Vinyasa Yoga Playlist

I decided to start a new series here on the blog which I’m affectionately naming Music Monday – because really, who doesn’t love alliterations? Anyway, expect a new yoga playlist every month!

This month’s playlist is a real treat! For a bit of background, my favourite style of yoga class to teach is slow moving, breath focused, but pretty damn strong. One of my lovely students once said that I lull them into a false sense of security with my calming voice and slow mindful warm-ups and before they know it they’re sweating heavily and working hard. I also like to use music in my yoga classes, and in my own practice, which I know not all yogis agree with but to me it feels like it enhances the practice. Since music can be meditative in itself, moving to it becomes a moving meditation of sorts, at least for me it does. If you’re the same and like a slow but fiery practice to music then I have got just the yoga playlist for you…

This playlist starts out slow, giving you a few minutes to incorporate some pranayama before softly moving into some warm-up tunes. Then the pace picks up slightly, but not too much, for the sweatier portion of the practice before winding back down to send you off into a blissful Savasana.

Try it out and let me know what you think 🙂

If you’re looking for more yoga playlists you can also check out my cosy yoga playlist and my 90 minute vinyasa playlist.

Also make sure you follow me on Instagram to be the first to know about the next #MusicMonday 🙂

Happy flowing friends!

Until next time! Sx

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