90 minute Cosy Yoga Playlist

I spend quite a bit of time crafting the playlists that I use in my yoga classes because I think that a good yoga playlist can really take the class to the next level. Don’t get me wrong, I still love practising to only the tune of my own breath, especially when practising out in nature. But there’s something about a well crafted yoga playlist that really helps you get into almost a trance. The music guides you, centres you, keeps you going and flowing. It can be absolute magic.

In my opinion, a yoga playlist needs to have a certain structure, a certain flow. Starting off slow and then perhaps picking up the pace a little bit towards the middle but then easing off again towards the end and then obviously finishing it off with a kickass Savasana song. Of course the playlist structure will also depend on the type of class, e.g. I wouldn’t use one of my upbeat Vinyasa Flow yoga playlists when teaching a Restorative Yoga class, but overall I like to create almost a curve in all my playlists.

Anyway, I figured I should spread some of that yoga music love and start sharing my yoga playlists on here! Starting off with this lovely soothing cosy yoga playlist, perfect for a more calming practice, such as a soothing slow flow or a nurturing restorative session.


This is actually one of my fave yoga playlists that I’ve put together, I think it’s super versatile and somehow it always makes my mat time complete magic. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

If you’d like to join me on the mat sometime check out my Classes and Events pages for details and I also post about all upcoming fun stuff on my IG and in my Newsletter.

Until next time! Sx

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