Yoga for Anger Release

Another Sunday, another YouTube yoga class. This week’s yoga for anger release sequence is all about relieving the body of the tension that anger may bring.

Anger often gets a bad rep, but actually more often than not there’s a completely valid reason for our feelings of anger. Whether that reason is something blatantly obvious, such as the many injustices of the world, or something a bit more subtle. We should always try to listen to our feelings and address them.

I really recommend listening to the Deliciously Ella podcast episode “How to build a healthy, happy brain” with Kimberley Wilson (@foodandpsych on IG) where they discuss emotions and their roles.

And if you’re feeling like anger is setting up shop in your body then definitely do this little routine…

I hope this yoga for anger release sequence leaves you feeling a bit more balanced. Ready to tackle the world!

If you enjoy having some tunes with your practice then I recommend either this RnB playlist for some girl power vibes or for a full on rage fest then this Rock playlist is the way to go.
PS neither of these are particularly chill and both of them are explicit. If that’s not your jam (even when you’re angry) then any other playlist will do (or no playlist at all) 🙂

I upload a new FREE yoga class on my channel every Sunday at 9am, please do head over there and subscribe so you never miss one!

If you do enjoy my YouTube classes make sure you also check out my yoga membership, Flow Society, for even more classes, meditations and all kinds of fun exclusive content!

Do also say hello over on IG 🙂

Let me know if you have any special requests for future classes!

Until next time!

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